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How to: Restoring a backup of your live data into a test database in Azure environment


Situation: You're running with MISys deployed in an Azure environment and you have a second (likely a Test) company that you would like to copy your live data into for testing purposes.

The following steps will walk you through the process of backing up your live data and restoring that backup into your second (Test) database. 

NOTE: If you care about the data in your second (Test) company be sure to take a backup of that database before proceeding.

  1. Log into MISys Server Administration from the machine where your Azure server install was deployed.
  2. Navigate to the Company Tab and highlight the live database.
  3. Select Backup.
  4. Once the backup has been successful, log into your Microsoft Azure account.
  5. Navigate to your Storage Account | File Shares | server-backup (when created by MISys).
  6. Download the backup of your database (this will be your company name with a number 0-9 and have an extension of .bacpac).
  7. Move that .bacpac file from your Downloads folder into your C:\home\ServerBackup directory.
  8. Go back to Server Administration | Company Tab and highlight your secondary (Test) company.
  9. Click the Restore From button (if needed navigate to C:\home\ServerBackup) and select your .bacpac file.
  10. Click Open.

Once the restore has finished you will receive a prompt letting you know you were successful. At that point your second (Test) company will have been overwritten with the data from the backup you restored.

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Article ID: 102
Category: General
Date added: Sep-13-2024: 10:47am
Views: 446
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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