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Knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.
MISys Accounting (how it all works)
How To: Using Account Sets to redirect your accounting
How to: Perform a Period End
Accounting- Intacct
Intacct Accounting and Transfers to and from Sales
Message: "ACME is not a Multi Entity Company."
Accounting- QuickBooks
How To: QuickBooks Subaccount mapping
"No Disk in Drive" Message when integrating with QuickBooks
QuickBooks Interface Error: There was an error when saving a Accounts list, element \"Checking\".
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Accounting- Sage 300 ERP
Sage 300 Interface Error: Invalid Signon information. Make sure you supply the correct User ID and Password.
Sage 300 Interface Error: You must supply the correct User ID, Password and Database ID to open a session.
Does MISys use Sage 300 Lanpaks or IAPs and how many do I need?
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Accounting- Sage 50 CAD
Message: "Cannot open the specified Sage 50 CAN database!
Message: "Error 118 Locking record for table tTBSTAT!"
Accounting- Sage 50 US
Message: "Sage 50 Interface Error. Invalid character in the given encoding Line xxxxx, Position yy Filename: .."
Message: "Cannot find Sage 50 US Installation! Please open Sage 50 US and try again."
Please verify that Sage 50 US is not waiting for user input or login. For Tech Support: Sage 50 US error: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
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Bills of Material
How to: Locating/Setting the Current Revision of your Bills of Material through Import/Export
How To: Perform a Crossgrade from MISys SAE to MISys Manufacturing
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How to: Migrate On-Premises SQL Database(s) and deploy MISys Server to Azure
How to: Outside Processing with Shop Floor Control
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How to: Create a backup of your MISys database
Error: EXCEPTION: Unexpected error from external database driver (1).
How to: Upgrading Earlier Versions of SQL Express to SQL Express 2014
How to: Using your own instance of Microsoft SQL Server
New MISys Client Install is unable to connect to server
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How to: Defining Stocking Thresholds for your Items by Location
How to: Understanding Purchasing Unit of Measure
Log In
Message: “User is Already Logged in” – after performing a new install/update
Message: “Database version is 6.x.x.x and Current MISys Manufacturing version is Cannot login!“
Message: "Input string was not in a correct format"
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Physical Inventory
How To: Perform a Physical Inventory
How to: Prepare for using the Master Production Schedule
How to: Master Production Scheduling (how it all works)
How To: Return Quantities on a Purchase Order
How To: Change the Due Date on an Open Purchase Order Detail
How to: Configure MISys to email your Purchase Orders to a Supplier
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Using ODBC or accessing the MISys database directly
Message: Unhandled Exception has occurred in your application. The document has not been opened.
How To: Use a shared Custom Report path.
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How to: Change the default field used for the MISys Item Number when using Import BOMs from SOLIDWORKS.
MISys Manufacturing Extension (MISys EXT)
How to: Apply the current Update to MISys Manufacturing Extension
How to: Using Scanners with MISys EXT
How do User permissions work in MISys Manufacturing Extension (MISys EXT)?
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Error: EXCEPTION: Unexpected error from external database driver (1).
Message: “User is Already Logged in” – after performing a new install/update
You are NOT recieving an email notification when your Support Ticket is created and/or updated.
Message: “Database version is 6.x.x.x and Current MISys Manufacturing version is Cannot login!“
How to: Migrate On-Premises SQL Database(s) and deploy MISys Server to Azure
Message: "Input string was not in a correct format"
Latest Knowledgebase articles:
Date added
How to: Restoring a backup of your live data into a test database in Azure environment
Sep-13-2024: 10:47am
You are NOT recieving an email notification when your Support Ticket is created and/or updated.
Feb-09-2024: 10:19am
How to: Migrate On-Premises SQL Database(s) and deploy MISys Server to Azure
Sep-28-2023: 3:31pm
How to: Setting up a new MISys Server
Sep-28-2023: 10:49am
Message: Unhandled Exception has occurred in your application. The document has not been opened.
Oct-14-2020: 1:02pm
Message: “Database version is 6.x.x.x and Current MISys Manufacturing version is Cannot login!“
Feb-27-2020: 9:54am