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Message: User <username> is in process of customizing reports! Only one user can customize reports at a time. Try again later.


The Create Custom Reports function has protection built in that allows for one user to modify reports at a time. This message indicates that the User being referenced is currently using the Create Custom Reports function and it is therefore not available at this time.

If you find that the User being referenced is not currently using the Custom Report Tool, it indicates that this User's previous session in the Create Custom Reports function ended irregularly (due to a failure of some kind). When this happens, it is possible to get in a state where the system does not recognize that the session had actually ended.

To reset the session, first verify that no one is currently using the Custom Report Tool. Then perform the following: 

  1. Browse to your Custom Reports folder.  By default you'll find the custom reports located in the local ..\MISys\MISys SBM\MISys SBM 6.x Client\reports\custom directory.
  2. Delete the file customizingstatus.xml
  3. Try accessing the Create Custom Reports function again.

NOTE: If you are using a Shared Custom Report folder you can locate the path to the Custom Reports directory by going into the MISys Client | Administration | Company Options | General Tab. Note the path referenced in the Custom Reports field. Navigate to that folder and then you'll see a \reports\custom subdirectory structure. You'll find the file customizingstatus.xml in the \custom folder.

If you need assistance with this process please contact MISys Technical Support.

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Article details
Article ID: 37
Category: Reporting
Date added: Oct-03-2013: 8:37am
Views: 438
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (34)

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