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Error: EXCEPTION: Unexpected error from external database driver (1).


Update: Microsoft has released a Windows Update on November 14th, 2017 that should address this issue.


A recent Windows Update introduced an issue that affects our Users ability to Import and Export using the .xls format. More details can be found in the links below for each update:


While Microsoft makes its own recommendation for this issue in the above links, we suggest one of these two options:

  1. Temporarily use a .CSV file format for your import/export. Per the update note (referenced above), Microsoft has announced that they hope to address this issue in their November 14th, 2017 release.
  2. We have an updated full install file for MISys v6.3.0.1 that supports imports/exports using .xlsx format instead of .xls. NOTE: If you're interested in obtaining the install file, please contact MISys Technical Support and they can provide you with a download link along with steps to walk you through the process. 

Additional information:

Disclaimer: Please note that the following information is provided ‘as is’ and is not supported by MISys. The following steps are informational only and you should always check with your System Administrator before uninstalling any Windows Updates. MISys does not suggest taking these steps in any way.

Until Microsoft releases a fix, it's possible to uninstall these Windows updates from any affected workstations:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel.
  2. Under Programs click Uninstall a program.
  3. Click View installed updates on the left side of the window.
  4. This displays all updates installed on the system.
  5. Locate the update(s) (KB4041681 & KB4041678 for Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2, KB4041693 for Window 8.1/Windows Server 2012 R2, or KB4041676 for Windows 10), right-click it and select uninstall from the menu.
  6. This removes the update from the system.
  7. Reboot the workstation.
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Article details
Article ID: 85
Category: Import/Export
Date added: Nov-03-2017: 9:49am
Views: 3241
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (48)

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