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How to: Apply the current Update to MISys Manufacturing Extension


The links below will you through the download and application of the current public updates for MISys Manufacturing EXT and MISys Manufacturing.

NOTE: If you are updating MISys Manufacturing you MUST also update MISys Manufacturing EXT.

NOTE#2: If you have created ANY Custom Labels in MISys EXT you will need to navigate to your ..\ProgramData\MISys\MISysWebApp folder and backup the file MMRestDB before you proceed with Updating. Then after updating MISys EXT copy the old file back. Custom Labels will be LOST if you do not do this!

MISys Manufacturing EXT:

Download this file to the desktop of the machine that is acting as the MISys Manufacturing EXT server. Once that is done, have everyone exit MISys Manufacturing EXT.

From the MISys Manufacturing EXT server machine, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the file MIEXTSP.EXE and select Run as Administrator. You'll be prompted with an update message. Click YES to proceed.
  2. You'll be prompted to browse to the MISys folder (it should default to the correct folder) but you want it to point to the MISys Manufacturing EXT folder.
  3. Click OK to apply the update and you'll receive a confirmation prompt.
  4. Log into MISys Manufacturing EXT to verify that you're running the current version.

Once the update is applied, have your users log back into MISys Manufacturing EXT and continue processing.

MISys Manufacturing Hotfix:

To install the MISys Manufacturing Hotfix:

Download the file to your Server Machine, have all users exit MISys and then follow steps 2-4 above (in step 2. the target would be the MISys SBM 6.4 Client folder).

After updating, log into the MISys Server Administration and/or MISys Client and verify the version numbers show 6.4.7.x.

Once that's done, client workstations can be automatically updated by Right Clicking their MISys Client shortcut, selecting Run as Administrator, logging in, and selecting Yes when prompted to Apply the update.

Please contact MISys Technical Support if you have any questions or problems.

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Article details
Article ID: 93
Category: MISys Manufacturing Extension (MISys EXT)
Date added: Jun-13-2019: 2:41pm
Views: 5914
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (33)

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