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Message: “Database version is 6.x.x.x and Current MISys Manufacturing version is Cannot login!“


You can receive this message while attempting to Log into the MISys Client after applying an update to MISys Manufacturing.

The error indicates that the company database you’re logging into needs to be Converted or Migrated to the new version you are running.

Convert or Migrate your Company database(s)

  1. Go to the Server Machine (where the MISys Server Administration programs are installed).
  2. Launch MISys Server Administration by right-clicking the shortcut and selecting Run as Administrator.
  3. Log into MISys Server Administration. 
  4. Navigate to the Company Tab and do one of the following:

                a.Click the Migrate Databases button to migrate all of your company databases to the new version.

                    b.Click the Convert Databases button to select the desired database(s) you wish to convert to the new version

Once you have migrated/converted the database, have your users try logging in normally.

If the problem remains, you receive a different error, or need further assistance please contact MISys Technical Support.

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Article details
Article ID: 94
Category: Log In
Date added: Feb-27-2020: 9:54am
Views: 2151
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (32)

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