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How to: Migrate On-Premises SQL Database(s) and deploy MISys Server to Azure


Please note that this article assumes that you have an active Microsoft Azure subscription (and are running MISys Manufacturing v6.4.7.0 or newer). This must be set up and active before you begin. To sign up for Azure, go to: see the MISys Azure Installation Guide (pg. 1) for more information.

In preparation for the migration of your on-premises MISys Server and databases, you will begin with the installation and deployment of the MISys Server to Azure from a machine other than your existing MISys Server. You'll need to deploy with a User who has both machine Administrator privileges as well as complete access and authority to both your Azure Subscription credentials and the MISys Server Administration function. This will allow you to test the MISys Sample Database (in an Azure environment) and ensure minimal downtime when you are ready to do the actual migration of your on-premises databases. Deploying your MISys Server and migrating your on-premises database to Azure consists of three phases:

Phase 1: Install and deploy the MISys Server on Azure, test that install and make sure that you can log into the Sample Database (MISAMPCO).

Phase 2: Assign your MISys Licenses and migrate your on-premises MISys database to Azure.

Phase 3: Redirect the MISys Clients on your workstation to point to the Azure webservice. 


Phase 1 - Installing and deploying Azure Webservice and Azure SQL Server on the existing Server machine.

Download both the MISys Azure Installation Guide and Installation file using the links below:

MISys Azure Installation Guide - this guide will walk you through both the preparation of your new Server as well as the installation process. You should review this guide in it's entirety before proceeding.

MISys Installation File - this link to the installation file is also available in the above guide as well.

  1. Follow the MISys Azure Installation Guide to install MISys and deploy the Azure Webservice and Azure SQL Server components.
  2. Launch the MISys Client and click Edit | Server Connection.
  3. Select Internet/Intranet and specify the URL of your Azure webservice
    2. Replace 'AZURESERVICEHERE' with the name of the service you specified during the install/deployment.
  4. Save the change and then select MISAMPCO from the Company drop down.
  5. Log in with User ID: ADMIN and Password: password (all lower case).
  6. If you are able to log into the sample company, you're Azure deployment is successful.

If you are able to log in, you are ready to log out and move to Phase 2.


Phase 2 - Assigning your MISys License to your Server and migrating on-premises data to Azure

Take the following steps from your existing on-premises MISys Server:

  1. Have all Users log out of MISys.
  2. From your existing on-premises MISys Server, log into the Server Administration function.
  3. Navigate to the Companies tab and highlight your company database.
  4. Click on the Backup As button and change the Filetype drop-down at the bottom of the form from .DAT to .bacpac
  5. Specify a path to save your file and click Save.
  6. Repeat the process for any other company databases you'll be migrating to Azure.
  7. Navigate to the folder you saved the .bacpac file(s) to in step 5 and copy the files to a shared drive or portable drive so you can move them to the machine where you deployed the MISys Server to Azure. 

Take the following steps from the machine where you installed/deployed the MISys Server to Azure:

  1. Create a new folder and copy in your .bacpac files from prior step 7.
  2. Launch the MISys Server Administration (using Right Click Run as Administrator) on this machine and click Edit | Server Connection.
  3. Select Internet/Intranet and specify the URL of your Azure webservice
    2. Replace 'AZURESERVICEHERE' with the name of the service you specified during the install/deployment.
  4. Save and then Log into the MISys Server Administration.
  5. Contact Customer Service (802.457.4600) and let them know what you're doing and that you need us to reset your Hardware Key because you're changing server machines. Wait for confirmation that your key has been reset before proceeding to the next step.
  6. Navigate to the Licenses Tab, enter your Serial Number, and click Save.
  7. Navigate to the Owner Tab and click Activate.
  8. Navigate back to the License Tab, click Save and select Update from MISys to bring in your MISys Licenses.
  9. Navigate to the System Tab and Click Get Program Updates to ensure you are running the current version.
  10. Navigate to the Companies Tab and click New.
  11. Select your live company from the drop-down menu and create it.
    1. In an Azure deployment you must select your desired Azure database performance tier from the drop-down at the bottom of the Create Database form. This can be changed from within your Azure portal at any time should you desire. 
    2. NOTE: Company creation can take several minutes in Azure.
  12. Highlight the new empty Company and select the Edit Cloud Options button.
  13. Check the box to Use Azure File Storage, and then fill out the Account name, Share name, and Account Key fields with the credentials for your Azure storage account (specified during the Azure deployment during installation). 
    1. NOTE: You can find your storage account access key by logging into the Azure portal and going to Storage Accounts | <Your Storage Account> | Access Keys.
    2. Click the Test button and make sure you get a successful connection and Save.
  14. Highlight your Company ID and click Restore From.
  15. Navigate to the folder on this machine and locate the .bacpac file for this company (you copied in Step 1).  
    1. You should see a successful message once the backup has been restored.
    2. NOTE: If the backup is from an older MISys version, you will see a prompt to convert the data.
    3. NOTE: Restoring data can take several minutes in Azure.
  16. Repeat steps 10-15 for any other databases that you are migrating.


Phase 3 - Redirecting your Client workstations to the new server

Visit each workstation where the MISys Client is installed (or instruct the User assigned to that machine(s)) to do the following:

  1. Bring up the MISys Client Login form.
  2. Click Edit | Server Connection. 
  3. Select Internet/Intranet and specify the URL of your Azure webservice
    2. Replace 'AZURESERVICEHERE' in the above URL with the name of your service you specified during the install/deployment.

At that point you have the Users select the desired company and log in with their User/Password credentials and analyze the data to ensure everything looks good.

If you have any questions or run into any problems please contact MISys Technical Support.

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Article ID: 98
Category: General
Date added: Sep-28-2023: 3:31pm
Views: 16373
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